Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sort-of-Remix, Updates + Random

I am warning you now. This post is going to be a bit odd and random and chaotic. But only because I've been busy and posting more sporadically. I have two different outfits to post, but they're basically the same--because I've been away from my apartment, living out of an oversized tote bag since Robert is in town.

I bought this skirt from J. Crew when they were having an additional 30% off sale. I don't remember the exact price, but I know it ended up being less than $15.00, which is not bad at all for J. Crew. It's such a comfy, low-key, easy to style skirt.

This is me falling off of the rock.

And this is me being a dork because I stole Robert's messenger bag for the day... Though I bought it for him a while back! So it's sort of appropriate. And all of my school things wouldn't fit in my purse.

I have no idea why it felt to right to pair this skirt with vintage shirts--both times I've worn it so far, too. I'm in love with the little detailing in the waistband of the skirt.

My mom's pretty tulips:

My parents' diva cat soaking up the sun:

And Robert making a super silly confused face:

Sorry for the choppy, slightly OCD post. And lastly, I'll be in Seattle for the weekend. One of Robert's projects got into a film festival up there, so we're driving up. It'll be super nice to get away :) Plus, I have some lovely guest posters lined up.


  1. awwww kitty in the sunnn <33 Both outfits are so cute! I am SOOO wanting to steal that brown satchel in the first outfit. And that's such a cute polka dot top. ANDDD I just got a really cute skirt on sale at J Crew too. I never thought to check out their sales before because I just assumed that since it's expensive and all, that they wouldn't really have any such thing as a sale. But they had some really super prices.

  2. Love the skirt, seems really versatile! And the cat is sooo cute, glad to hear you are having a good time in Seattle, I've never been there but I'd love to go someday.

  3. Awesome look, I'm loving your navy blue dotted blouse in the second ensemble :) & awww, what a gorgeous cat!

    Day By Diva
    Day By Diva
    Day By Diva

  4. Hi there! thanks for the comment and visit on my blog! Your blog is amazing :) I love your photography also, I'm a follower now :D

  5. Hello! Thank you for following my blog and your comment! I love running into other bloggers who list their Myers-Briggs types...that personality test is very intriguing to me. Sometimes I get INFJ or INTP when I take it, but I usually get INTJ. Anyway, I love your chambray skirt and the two ways you've styled it! The rectangular buttons on the navy shirt are so cool.

  6. I love these outfits! What a great find with the J. Crew skirt. And let me just say, that brown bag in the first set of photos is to die for. So cute.

  7. Have a great time in Seattle! That sounds like a super fun trip. I'm going to Seattle in a couple weeks, actually!!! Any places you recommend I should go?

    And as much as I love your outfits, I have to give the rest of this comment to your parents' diva cat. Like, how adorable! I have a diva cat, myself. (being one, I should know) she is fluffy and black and purrs way too much!
    hearts, laura♥
    the blog of worldly delights

  8. Despite being so similar, both looks are amazing, you're such a cute and stylish lady!

  9. Hi Lea! I love your outfit and the pics!!

    Also, I gave you an award! Check it out HERE

  10. Awww pretty outfit and pretty kitty! So you'll have to share a link of Robert's blog once he gets it started! So cool! Hope you are enjoying your weekend away. :)


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